Past Materials

Past Materials is a repository (or archive) of handouts, resolutions, and other documents developed to help inform voters about the cost and consequences of the many harmful right wing initiatives that have appeared on our ballots since the end of the 1990s. It is organized by initiative and by year, with materials from the most recent campaigns at the top. Click on any initiative subheading to visit the corresponding page for that measure in Dangerous Initiatives.

The repository is a work in progress; please bear with us as we build it out.

NO on Initiative 976 | 2019 

An archived campaign website is available.

NO on Initiative 1366 | 2015

An archived campaign website is available.

NO on Initiative 1325 | 2014

NPI materials:

NO on Initiative 517 | 2013

An archived campaign website is available.

NO on Initiative 1185 | 2012

NPI and coalition materials:

NO on Initiative 1125 | 2011

Coalition materials:

NO on Initiative 1053 | 2010

An archived campaign website is available.

NO on Initiative 1033 | 2009

An archived campaign website is available.

NO on Initiative 985 |  2008

An archived campaign website is available.

NO on Initiative 912 | 2005

NPI materials:

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Mobilizing for 2024 to counter new threats

Stop Greed: Vote no in 2024
Visit to learn about four harmful right wing initiatives we're opposing that are on their way to the November general election ballot

What we do

Permanent Defense works to protect Washington by building a first line of defense against threats to the common wealth and Constitution of the Evergreen State — like Tim Eyman's initiative factory. Learn more.

Protecting Washington Since 2002